Was jij jezelf met (micro)plastics?

Are you washing yourself with (micro)plastics?

One of the first things you probably do when you get up is to brush your teeth, wash your body and hair, and maybe even put on some make-up. In short, cosmetics are an essential part of many people’s daily routine. However we don’t often think about the impact they have on the environment.

Microplastics in cosmetics

Sadly many cosmetics contain microplastics, tiny pieces of plastic that can pollute the environment and enter our waterways and food supply. In this article I explain what microplastics in cosmetics are, what the impact on the environment is plus I’ll give easy tips on how to avoid them.

What are Microplastics?

Microplastics are small pieces of plastic less than five millimeters in size. They are commonly used in cosmetics and personal care products such as exfoliants, toothpaste and mascara. Microplastics are not always easy to recognize in the products you use. Sometimes you can easily recognize the tiny plastic balls in shower gels and scrubs. But often they are so small that you can only recognize them through the ingredient list. Want to know how to recognize microplastics in cosmetics read it here.

In Europe alone, 7 kg of microplastics from cosmetics are flushed EVERY MINUTE.

The impact of microplastics in cosmetics

It is of course a crazy idea to clean your body with (micro)plastic. While they may seem harmless, microplastics are now a big environmental problem. After we are done using them, all these products are flushed down the drain. Microplastics are not biodegradable and therefore often end up in the ocean. Here they pose a danger to aquatic life and contribute to the ever-growing plastic soup. A recent study even showed that microplastics are present in 90% of the world’s seabirds. And in the end we harm our own health even further, if some of the microplastics end up in the water, they often end up back on our plate through the products we eat.

Did you know that you ingest an average of 5 grams of plastic every week through your food. That is equivalent to one credit card per week.

What can you do to avoid microplastics?

Fortunately, the possibilities surrounding microplastics in cosmetics are growing more and more. In addition, more and more are available without, in short, it is quite possible to get plastic-free bathroom products!

  • Switch to cosmetics made with natural or biodegradable ingredients. Like the soap and shampoo bars from Nature Bar.
  • Research the brand and ingredients. Nature Bar is a proud partner of Look for the Zero, which declares that the product is 100% free of harmful microplastic. If in doubt, scan the product with the Beat the micro bead app.
  • Sign the petition to defeat the microbead to seal microplastic.

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